Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year with a New Attitude

Today is the last day of 2012, in case you didn't know. I actually have to work tonight, but at least I get off work before midnight. I haven't had much time to reflect on the year and all that jazz, BUT with the coming of a new year, comes resolutions. It seems that the majority of people make resolutions just because and have no real intention of actually accomplishing them. There are also people that don't partake in the New Year's resolutions because "why do you need a new year in order to make a change in your life." Here's my philosophy on the whole subject... Yes, people can make a change at any point in life BUT sometimes it helps to start with the beginning of a new year. It just gives that fresh start feeling. I have been like most, in the sense that I make resolutions every year. They are not well thought out and I don't usually accomplish them. This year I decided to put a little thought into it.

New Year's Resolutions


I want to try to write something every single day this year; just some little insight into how I am feeling for that day or what I have done. Just something. I've written a great deal throughout the years and find it very insightful or interesting to see how I was at that point in my life, and also how other people were... like how our relationship was and how it's changed, etc.


I want to write down 1 thing that I am thankful for every day this year. I got the idea because of Thanksgiving. During the month of November, a lot of people post what they are thankful for. So I thought, why not have a whole year of thankfuls? If nothing else, it will give me at least 1 positive thing for that day to reflect upon. Hopefully it will also help me be more grateful for the life I live and not take it for granted.


Obviously, it can be hard to save money, especially in this day and age. I want to make a goal of saving at least $1 a day. It may seem like a very small amount, but there are some days when I stretch my money thin. So I figure, if I save $1 each day then that would give me $365 at the end of the year at the bare minimum. Of course, if I can afford to save more than $1 then I definitely will. $365 is way more than I've had any other year, by the end anyways. Americans seem to buy into consumerism and living with debt. Money also seems to be a huge issue and stress with many people. I am choosing to not be that person. I want to live debt free and actually have a savings. 

You may be thinking... that's it. That's your resolutions? And to answer your question... yes. Hopefully these things will help me to have a better attitude and outlook when things get crappy AND hopefully I'll be able to start saving money. They are definitely possible to accomplish and helpful. Be safe.

Hopefully you put a little thought into your resolutions, and if nothing else, strive to be a better person. Hope you have a very Happy New Year! 

I can't believe 2012 is about to come to an end. As every other year, it has been a year of ups and downs with many lessons. I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store for me. To a better year and actually accomplishing my new year's resolutions for once.

"Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one." - Brad Paisley

Thursday, December 27, 2012

No Sew Fleece Blanket

Tis the time of the year for gift giving. Like most, I was unsure of what to get my boyfriend for Christmas. He had mentioned something about a blanket among the things he had suggested. I told him that I had no idea how to do one and told him to continue with suggestions. However, I thought the blanket idea was a great one. I looked around on the Internet and came upon ideas on Pinterest. I found a post that was really helpful in making the blanket on Wifessionals

This is a great project to do because you don't need a sewing machine and it doesn't take much time. 

Step 1:  Buy your fabric

I bought 2 pieces of fleece fabric online at Joann Fabric & Craft Stores. Most of the fabric I looked at was on sale, which is great because it can definitely get pricey. I bought 3 yards of each piece, camo and orange. (He loves hunting and orange is his favorite color.)

Step 2:  Layer your fabric

Make sure to have you soft sides facing outward. First, lay down the piece that will be used as the back. Then, lay down the other piece on top of it (again soft sides facing outward). Cut off any ugly edges or excess fabric and make sure both pieces are even. 

Step 3:  Cut out 5" x 5" squares at each corner

This step is important because it determines the length for the ties. You don't want them to be too short/long.

Step 4:  Cut 1" (width) strips around the entire blanket

The thicker your strips are, the harder it is to tie them together. I didn't have much room to work with... so many of my strips were different widths and didn't match up exactly with the 5" length. It definitely made the tying process a bit harder and not as neat.

Step 5:  Tie your 'flat' knots

Don't just tie a normal knot. Take a look at the 'knot tutorial' picture on the Wifessionals post because its really explanatory and I didn't take any pictures of this part. Once you look at the picture, its really easy to do. It makes the knots flatter and they look nice.

Step 6:  Wash your blanket & enjoy

I washed my blanket afterwards and it turned out great. The final look was a bit more rounded since not all of my cuts were equal. Not too bad for my first attempt at a no sew blanket, if I do say so myself.

My boyfriend loved his blanket. He already wants another one just to have. Haha.

I also made him honey cookies again. I used the same recipe as last year. You can find it here. The only differences to the recipe this year is that I used a mixer, which made a huge difference (for the better), and I drizzled honey on the tops right out of the oven. Personally, I thought they were much better than last year. Definitely check out the honey bee cookies recipe.

Hope everyone had a merry Christmas! I know I did.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Which way is up?

Interesting little tip I just learned. It seems like common sense but I would have never thought to do it.
If you ever find yourself buried in an avalanche and not sure which way is up, just spit. See which way the spit runs and then dig in the opposite direction. Ya know... because of gravity and all. Most people in that situation, sadly, tend to dig downward because they become so distraught and don't know which direction is which.
I personally found that very interesting and possibly lifesaving.
Another one... if you're in water and have the same direction problem, blow bubbles and swim up with them.  :-)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Blind Man & Humanity

I have been meaning to write this post, but haven't really had the time. Hopefully I'll get all the facts correct.

I suppose it was a couple of weeks ago or so. I was studying in the library, when my boyfriend came in to tell me about something that had just happened. I can't really remember where he was headed, but he saw this guy, a blind guy, that had dropped his walking stick. The guy was trying to search around for his stick. Keep in mind, that this happened in the middle of campus. The guy was on his way to class. From what I was told, there were many people just standing around staring at the guy. My boyfriend said he just looked around at everyone standing there and decided to help the guy. He goes over and gets the stick for the guy and hands it to him. I guess the guy asked Clint (my boyfriend) if he would walk with him to class. Of course, Clint said sure. They talked on the way to the building. From what I remember, they guy has been blind most, if not all of his life. He lives on campus and uses some sort of tapping and counting with the stick to get around campus. I was told that he's a pretty fast walker. The guy also tells Clint how he can hear really well. That's not surprising because when you don't have one of your senses, the others are heightened. He said that he can hear people always talking about him and that it hurts his feelings. People usually don't know that he can hear them. He also said that he doesn't have many friends because people are scared of him, or whatever the reason be. Well they make it to the building and they guy says thanks and that he can make it the rest of the way. They then go their separate ways.

Okay... first, I am completely amazed. Yes, I didn't actually meet this guy and I wasn't there to experience this. However, I can imagine. I can't believe he can get around so well. I have never really known someone that has been blind their whole life so I don't really know what they go through. Obviously, simple tasks for people that can see would be hard for people that can't see. I'm amazed that he lives on campus and walks around by himself and goes to class, etc. I just think it's so great. We complain about the dumbest things in life and take so much for granted. This was just another eye opener for me.

Second, I am extremely disgusted, so much so that it's hard to put into words, with humanity. We supposedly live in the "Friendliest Town in America," yet people on campus can't take a second to help a person. People were just standing there looking at him and probably talking about him. It's just rude!! People need to stop being so self-centered and selfish. Try helping someone else for once. It could make their day or even their life. A simple act of kindness can go a very long way. I am tired of having to lower my expectations for people; people need to start raising their standards.

Next time you see someone in need, think of your father, mother, brother, sister, or someone that you are close to. Better yet, think of your child (born or unborn). How would you feel if this person was your child, frantically searching around on the ground? Would you want someone to just pass them by or laugh at them? I'm guessing no. Well then stand up and start doing something about it. Making the world a better place starts with you. If you want your children and grandchildren to grow up in a better or safe world, then YOU make it that way. Let's make kindness epidemic.

Lastly, thanks to Clint for helping this guy and being kind. I'm glad kindness isn't extinct yet.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Little boy gives $1,000 to his neighbor

Note:  This photo came from the article. 

This article touched my heart. I like to read the news and stay updated with things going on in the world. Most of the stuff I read is bad or about negative things going on. So when I run across something like this, I melt. I think it is just precious.

This 8 year old boy, Wyatt Erber, won $1,000 by doing a scavenger hunt. He already knew that if he won, he wanted to give the money to his neighbor, 2 year old Cara Kielty, to go towards helping with her cancer treatments. Cara is Wyatt's neighbor and Wyatt played with her brother, Connor, a lot. Wyatt understands what cancer is and "his heart sank" when he found out Cara had cancer.

I think this is beyond precious that an 8 year old boy can do such a big act of kindness. We can learn a lot from Wyatt. A thousand dollars is a lot of money, especially for a young child. He didn't even give a second thought to where he wanted that money to go. He just wanted to help Cara.

My prayers go to Cara and her family. I hope she gets the treatments needed and lives a long, happy life. My heart goes to Wyatt for being such a caring person.

Just remember, if an 8 year old child can do something like this, then anyone can open their hearts and stop being so greedy and/or hateful. Share a little love.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

All Campus Sing Champs & 22nd Bday!

Today is my 22nd birthday. I have been so busy because today was also the day for Sigma Alpha Iota's 54th Annual All Campus Sing at MSU. We (Alpha Gamma Delta) have been practicing like crazy. This year was also the first year that I have actually participated in the event. So, I was super nervous. We practiced at 5:30 a.m. so I have been up way too long, since it's almost midnight.

So like I said practice this morning and then class. Then I spent the rest of the day getting ready for All Campus Sing. It began at 4:30 p.m. I was nervous but shook it off. The moment we were standing in line waiting for our turn to go up, I got huge butterflies in my stomach. I was extremely nervous. I was originally worried about not making my turns correctly and falling. Then I was scared I would faint. Well they announce our name and out we go. It all happened so fast. It was like I blinked my eyes and it was over.

When they announced our name as the 1st place winners, I was in shock. I couldn't believe we actually won. We deserved it for sure, but still. I was soooo excited, still am. I'm so proud of my sorority sisters. I know that practices can sometimes be a pain but the ending to this little story was perfect. Winning definitely made my birthday complete :)

It's 11:51 p.m. I still haven't changed out of my All Campus Sing clothes. I dislike that this day has gone by so fast so I'm refusing to accept it just yet. Haha. I would definitely say the birthday was a success.

Here we are performing 'Just Dance'

If the video doesn't work you can go to the following link:


Visit the link for the entire performance.
(Alpha Gamma Delta starts at 2hours 13min):

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Prayers for Kaytryn

Yesterday I was notified that one of my sorority sisters had been in a car wreck and was being life-flighted to Vanderbilt. Kaytryn is my Alpha Gam grandlittle aka grandkiddo. We didn't know each other very well, but I have spent some time around her. She is so sweet.

She was by herself when she wrecked. She went to turn onto a road and another car couldn't avoid it and hit her. I was told that she is suffering with brain damage, a broken femur, pelvis, & sternum, and she has a punctured lung. I was also notified that she was put on life support this morning. It breaks my heart to hear such news. My heart goes out to her and her family. I really hope that she pulls through. She is so young and has so much life ahead of her. All we can do is pray and hope for the best. Miracles can happen and I hope Kaytryn receives one.

This is just another example that life is so short. You never know what could happen to you or anyone you know and love. Cherish everyone and let them know that they are loved. Don't ever wait or assume someone knows. Make sure to tell them. Also be nice to people... a simple smile or kind word could brighten a person's day.

If you read this, please pray for Kaytryn and her family. She needs all that she can get.

Source:  West Kentucky StarKentucky State Police

UPDATE   Tuesday, April 3, 2012 - 6:02 p.m.
My little just texted me and told me that Kaytryn isn't getting any worse... She did clinch her fist, which is a good sign. However, she is still on life support. Please say a prayer for her. Thanks.

UPDATE   Tuesday, April 3, 2012 - 7:44 p.m.
They're going to reset her broken bones tomorrow. She's stable enough to handle the surgery so hopefully everything goes according to plan.

UPDATE   Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - 10:34 a.m.
We have a good update. She moved around last night in her sleep, and she moved her arm during her bath. She also bent her knee some too. She's going into surgery around noon today. The doctors are trying to promote movement in her eyes. The swelling in her brain has gone down. Tomorrow they will do an MRI and be able to determine how bad her brain damage is.  She is still on life support, feeding tube, breathing tube, and has multiple IV's. She also has something in her brain. So please continue to pray. She needs them all.

UPDATE   Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - 6:42 p.m.
Kaytryn's family has posted a website to keep everyone updated on how she is doing:
Caring Bridge.
I will continue to post here as well. I failed to mention in the beginning that Kaytryn is in a coma and has been since the accident. There is still no word on how the surgery went. I will wait for an update. Keep praying.

Update from the Caring Bridge site:
[Prayers for Kaytryn


Speaking for the entire Parrish family, your prayers are greatly appreciated and felt every moment. Many of you know, our beautiful Kaytryn was in a car accident Monday afternoon. She was life flighted to Vanderbilt Hospital and is suffering from severe brain trauma, a crushed pelvis, broken femur, and a punctured lung. She is currently in a coma and has not been conscious since the accident.

Today is a crucial day, the doctors have just taken her back to the surgery room to repair her pelvis and femur. Her vital signs are currently stable and an MRI will be done on Thursday to determine the extent of the damage.

Right now, prayer should be lifted to God for healing to her brain, pupil dilation, signs of improvement, a smooth surgical procedure, and a positive MRI report.

We have had so many friends and family reach out to us over the last few days, and we are so appreciative of all your support. We are so thankful for each and every one of you. There are so many people asking if there is anything they can do to help. We would just ask that you continue to lift Kaytryn up in prayer and ask God to put his healing hands on her. There is no better medicine than the power of prayer.

Matthew 21:12 And whatever you ask in prayer, you will recieve, if you have faith.]

UPDATE   Wednesday, April 4, 2012 - 9:38 p.m.
The surgery went well. The doctor repaired her pelvis and femur. I think I may have been wrong about the broken sternum. Again, I am getting information from friends and now the family's website. Her brain also remained stable during the surgery. Tomorrow is the day for the MRI and the results should be in Friday for that. They have been trying to dilate her eyes, but she isn't responding to it. Pray for her recovery.

Update from the Caring Bridge site:


[Out of Surgery

Praise the Lord! Kaytryn is out of surgery, everything went well! The doctor was able to repair her pelvis and femur. They don't anticipate any future surgeries to repair broken bones. Her brain remained stable throughout the surgery.

We have overcome another hurdle, keep up the praying. We enjoy reading all your messages, they are keeping our spirits up during this very difficult time. Please continue to pray for healing of her brain.

"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore." Psalm 121: 1-8]

UPDATE   Thursday, April 5, 2012 - 4:00 p.m.
Kaytryn was suppose to undergo many tests to determine her situation and how bad her brain damage is. I have yet to hear anything further really. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

Update from the Caring Bridge site:
THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 2012 10:45 AM, CDT
[Important Request

Today will be a crucial day for Kaytryn and family. She will be undergoing multiple tests to determine her situation. It will be a very emotional day for the family. We ask for expressions of support to be limited to well wishes and prayers. We will continue to post updates. We respectfully ask that hospital visitation be limited to immediate family members and clergy.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.]
UPDATE   Thursday, April 5, 2012 - 5:25 p.m.
I still don't have much information except that the results came in and her status is pretty much the same as it has been. We just have to keep praying and hopefully we'll see improvements.

Update from the Caring Bridge site:
THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 2012 9:14 PM, CDT
[More Prayers Needed

We received the test results this afternoon. They were not what we were hoping for, but we are all still firm believers in God's miracles. Please keep the prayers and well wishes coming - they are truly inspirational to us. As requested earlier, please express support through well wishes and prayers. We respectfully continue to ask that hospital visitors are limited to family and clergy.

Again, thank you for your continued support and prayers. We will continue to post updates as they develop.]
UPDATE   Friday, April 6, 2012 - 3:10 p.m.
Still no change :(

Update from the Caring Bridge site:
FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 2012 3:10 PM, CDT
[Kaytryn has been surrounded by thirty five of her family members as she continues to recover from her surgeries. There has been little change in her condition and her neurological functions have remained the same; however, on this holy weekend, we are reminded of the divine acts that The Lord is capable of performing. Please continue to pray for her recovery and for strength for her family. We truly appreciate all of the love, support, generosity, and kindness that has been shared with our family during this difficult time.

We will continue to post updates when available. We continue to respectfully request that hospital visitors are limited to family and clergy.]
UPDATE   Friday, April 6, 2012 - 11:00 p.m.
She has a fever and high blood pressure tonight. Please pray that she starts to recover.

Update from the Caring Bridge site:
FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 2012 10:26 PM, CDT
[Important Prayer Request

Kaytryn has a fever and her blood pressure is elevated. We ask you to please pray for God to lower her fever and pressure.

Kelly and Mark want everyone to know how appreciative and helpful all of your kind words and prayers have been. The outpouring of love and support that you all have shared for Kaytryn is giving them the strength to make it though this difficult time.]
UPDATE   Saturday, April 7, 2012 - 1:00 p.m.

Update from the Caring Bridge site:
SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 2012 12:04 PM, CDT
[Renewed Hope

Today's post comes to us directly from Kelly and Mark.

Praise be to our Father. This morning we prayed for hope in our despair. From the moment we walked into her room, we have been met with encouragement and hope. The doctors were terrific and encouraging today. They are being aggressive and honest. She is sitting up in a chair now. While we wait for change, the doctor reminded us that this is a long slow race and to be still and wait. Praise God today for hope. HE is alive. HE reigns forever. We love you all so dearly and can never say thank you enough for your prayers and support.

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power. Though youths grow weary and tired, and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:28-31]
UPDATE   Saturday, April 7, 2012 - 6:00 p.m.
Kaytryn's fever and blood pressure went down. The reason for these two is because she caught pneumonia. They are treating her with antibiotics, but she is still not responsive.
Please keep this sweet girl in your prayers, as well as her family.

Update from the Caring Bridge site:
SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 2012 5:44 PM, CDT
[We are very grateful for the response to our prayer request last night. Kaytryn's blood pressure and temperature normalized as of 3:00 a.m. this morning. We have been informed that the cause of the spike is pneumonia, which is common for patients in Kaytryn's situation. She is currently being treated with antibiotics. While Kaytryn has not yet been responsive, the hospital is aggressively working with her through physical and occupational therapy.

Kaytryn has yet to regain her consciousness; therefore, we continue to ask all to pray for God to restore Kaytryn's brain function.]
UPDATE   Monday, April 9, 2012 - 3:00 p.m.
It breaks my heart to write this. Kaytryn passed away yesterday. I was sitting in church yesterday morning and had the urge to check my phone. I saw where I had an email update from the Caring Bridge site. (I signed up for emails whenever there was a new journal entry posted on her condition.) Of course, I had to read it. So I read it and immediately my heart broke. I started bawling in the middle of church. I cried for the rest of service. I couldn't stop crying. The second I would be able to dry my eyes, the tears would start pouring again. I hate that Kaytryn was taken from us. It is so sad and tragic. I honestly thought she would pull through. Part of me just kept thinking that she has to make it. I wish I could have gotten to know her more. You never know when something tragic will happen.

I ask that you please pray for her family and friends. Kaytryn touched the lives of many. Please pray for her parents. I could not imagine losing a child. She may no longer be on this Earth with us, but she is in a better place and no longer hurting.

R.I.P. Kaytryn. You are dearly missed by many.

Update from the Caring Bridge site:
SUNDAY, APRIL 8, 2012 10:26 AM, CDT
[With broken and heavy hearts, we want to inform our dear friends and family that, on this holy day, the Lord has chosen to bring Kaytryn home to paradise. Kaytryn is, and will always be, a blessing to our family, and we are thankful for the precious time God gave us with her. Thank you for the prayers and support you have given us through this difficult time. We ask that you continue to lift our family up in prayer, especially Mark and Kelly.

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know." John 14: 1-4

"And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, "Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise."" Luke 23: 42-43

Definition of paradise from the Greek translation: Place of bliss and rest between death and resurrection.]
Memorials & Funeral Arrangements
Monday, April 9, 2012 - 11:16 p.m.
Tonight we had a memorial for Kaytryn here in Murray. There were many beautiful words said and tears shed. Paige's note to Kaytryn broke my heart. The loss of a life is so sad. I feel that God always has a plan and although we may not understand, there is a reason. As I have already probably said, it is important to cherish each moment you have in life. Tomorrow is not promised. Learn from every lesson in life that you are given. I continue to send my thoughts and prayers to Kaytryn's family and loved ones. I pray that each person has understanding. I will be attending the visitation in Louisville and/or possibly the funeral.

Please just continue to pray for the Parrish's family and friends.

Update from the Caring Bridge site:
MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2012 3:38 PM, CDT
Family & Friends,

Visitation for our sweet Kaytryn will be Wednesday: 2pm-5pm & 6pm-9pm at Northeast Christian Church on Brownsboro Road, Prospect, KY.

Funeral Service will be held Thursday at 11:00 am at Northeast Christian Church, with burial to follow in Louisville Memorial Gardens Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, expressions of sympathy can be sent to the Kaytryn Dianna Parrish Memorial Fund - PO Box 402, Sellersburg, IN 47172.

Rest In Peace Kaytryn Dianna Parrish ♥

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Alabama Trip

I am currently on Spring Break from school. I traveled to Alabama to visit my Mom; however, I have been pretty sick the past couple days. Yesterday morning I had a fever of 100.9 and last night my fever was still about the same with a 100.5 temperature. I felt awful yesterday. I took a lot of medicine throughout the day and feel a little better today. Today has been rainy but my Mom and I got out anyway. We went to Oak Mountain State Park. It was a beautiful park, but it was quite rainy. We took my Aunt's dog with us because she was at work. We also walked to the top of Peavine Falls. It was a really pretty area. For dinner, we ate at Ixtapa Mexican Restaurant. The food was pretty good. I had a chicken quesadilla and rice; my mom had a steak fajita quesadilla. I leave in the morning to go visit my Dad and brothers before I have to head back to school sometime Sunday.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Death of a MSU Student

Yesterday was just another normal day... or so it started. I was running a little late for class because I wanted to fill out my March Madness Bracket before the games began. My first class begins at 9:30 a.m. So, I filled it out and started to head towards class. I caught up with my boyfriend and then he went to his class. My class was further across campus. I came upon the Fine Arts Building and the Library. Things seemed a little odd, but at the time I didn't think much of it. Police sirens started to go off... but only like the little beeping that basically means move out of the way. I started to cross the Quad, when I saw a police car coming down the sidewalk. I was really curious and began to wonder what was going on, but again, I was trying to get to class because I was running late. So I'm sitting in class and the professor was a tad late so I was on my phone. I then get a text from my boyfriend saying, "Somebody jumped out the window at fine arts. They are dead." I was in shock. It was very surreal. You see movies and sometimes hear of things, but this happened in my little town and at my college. Moments before I had just passed the location where the person was found dead. It is still very hard to believe, but it is a reality.

My thoughts were going crazy in class. It was very hard to concentrate. I had another class right after the one I was in. I called my mom and talked to her before class started. Once my 2nd class started, I had even more trouble paying attention. I was on my phone the entire time. I kept refreshing Facebook, waiting to see an article or who the person was. Finally, a name was released... Jacob Derting. I had no idea who the individual was, but I was very saddened. A life had been taken. Someone had lost a son, a brother, a friend. Classes were then canceled for the remainder of the day.

Yesterday was a very busy day for me. Emotions were very mixed. Murray State had won their first round in the tournament. Alpha Gam won sorority division and overall step show champions. So I was very happy, but at the same time, someone had died. So obviously I was saddened for the family and that someone was hurting so bad that they felt their only solution was death.

There is a reason I am writing this post.. I am a very hard-headed individual; however, I do feel that I am very open-minded. I really do try to understand and help others. I found myself talking to someone yesterday about suicide. Here is my general opinion and thoughts about it up to that conversation:
Suicide is a choice. An individual makes a decision to take their own life for whatever reason. Of course I feel sorry for the family and the individuals affected by the suicide. However, I would look down on the person or feel anger, in a sense, that someone would do something like that. I viewed suicide as a very selfish decision. I had no remorse for someone who could do such a thing.
Well, I spent most of last night reading all of the articles that were posted about the incident. I even read the forums online that I found where people were discussing it. It may seem really weird but I even found Jacob Derting on Facebook and looked at his page. Something in me just changed. I saw things in a new light. I guess I became more understanding. Here are my views now:
I still feel that an individual makes the decision to end their life. I still feel that it is a very selfish decision. In no way do I ever think it should be/is acceptable. I think people need to realize something. A person who commits suicide feels that death is their only option or it is the only thing that will take their pain away. Do you understand that statement? Don't just read it; understand it. Someone is hurting so bad that they would rather be dead. Once someone hits a state of depression so low, the way they see life becomes skewed. They lose the ability to take a step back and get a new perspective on the situation. They have lost all hope.
While reading the forums, a lot of people had the same views that I had previously had. They didn't feel sorry for the person and were very harsh. I think people need to start taking a step back. You never know what someone is going through, even people you know. We live in a society where people bash others and don't care how their actions affect the people around them. We see someone who is different from us, someone who looks weird, and the list can go on. People judge people every day. I am guilty as well.
Example: I saw someone just last night that looked weird. They had crazy hair, etc. From my perspective, they were a freak. When I caught myself saying that. I felt instant guilt. I have no right to judge someone. People have the right to be who they want to be. If they are not harming anyone else or themselves, then there is no reason why they shouldn't keep that right. So what if someone is different. You don't have to like everyone, but you should have respect. Don't make fun of people and don't make them feel weird and alone. Just be nice. It really is simple. 
Every individual is unique. Don't get me wrong, we don't live in a perfect society and there are some actual sickos out there in the world. I just think that people should stop being so quick to judge. You don't know what the person next to you or even what your best friend is going through. Watch your actions and words. Don't do things to hurt other people. Let those around you know that they are loved and be honest with them. If you are going through something, reach out for help. I promise you, there is someone that cares, there is someone that loves you. And don't you dare read this and say, "Oh well this doesn't apply to me" or "She doesn't know me, I really don't have anyone..." Because you are wrong. Don't feel alone. This can be a cruel world. One person can't take this world on by himself/herself. If you are reaching out and no one is listening, "scream louder." Make someone listen to you because you're important and your life matters.

I'll leave you guys with this... It went around Facebook a while back and I think it puts things into perspective. Your actions matter.
"The boy you punched in the hall today... committed suicide a few minutes ago.
That girl you called a slut in class today... she's a virgin.
The boy you called lame... he has to work every night to support his family.
That girl you pushed down the other day... she's already being abused at home.
That girl you called fat... she's starving herself.
The old man you made fun of because of the ugly scars... he fought for our country.
The boy you made fun of for crying... his mother is dying.
You think you know them. Guess what? You don't!
Take a stand against bullying."

Friday, March 2, 2012

Honey Bee Cookies Recipe

I originally found this recipe through my search for honey cookies on A Cozy Kitchen's website.

I wanted to make my boyfriend some type of sweet for Christmas because I love baking and I was on a budget; however, he is not very big on sweets. He absolutely loves honey so I thought a honey cookie would be perfect. I searched online for recipes, which was somewhat a pain because I don't really like honey as much so I didn't know what would be good. I found this recipe and read through the comments and figured I would give it a try since it seemed to be a favorite.

*NOTE*  The recipe 
originally called for 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda & all purpose flour instead of self-rising flour, but I substituted those for self-rising 
flour. I also added a tad bit more 
honey than the 
recipe called for.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Beat butter, brown sugar, honey, & egg together in a bowl until smooth. Make sure to scrape the sides.
Then, stir in remaining ingredients.

Grease or line a baking sheet. (I lined) Then drop spoon fulls onto it.

Bake about 7 to 10 minutes, or until the cookies start to brown a bit along the edges.  The cookies look a bit shiny and like they have tiny little "holes" in them.  Let them cool a bit and then enjoy. :)

Once mine were finished, I put them in a little bucket to somewhat resemble a beehive.

The cookies were a definite hit. He loved them and so did his family. I actually ended up making more over Christmas break for everyone. Oh and the name of the cookies made them extra special because "our song" is Honeybee by Blake Shelton.

21st Shot Book Page

For clarification... this is just one spread for the shot book. I did not put the shot book together so I only have pictures for my part.

For my friend's 21st birthday, some of her friends made pages to go in a shot book for her. I have seen many different ways to do shot books, but this was the first time I've ever made a page for one. I don't have step by step pictures so if you have any questions, feel free to ask if you need help making yours.

Once you have all the materials, you're ready to begin. Most scrapbook pages are 12x12. I didn't have any paper that size so I had to improvise. I also wanted it to be colorful.

Step 1:
I layered my pages how I wanted them and measured them to equal a 12x12 page size. On the 1st page the pink was layered over the blue, and on the 2nd page the blue was layered over the pink. The green strip was taped behind all the other pages. Finally, the dotted page was centered between the blue and pink pages. (I tend to pay attention to very minor detail so I wanted it to be symmetrical in a sense.)
Step 2:
I then taped the back of the pages so they would stay together. I glued all of those pages together really well.
Step 3:
I used the computer to write the saying, "Here's to you" "It's your scene" "Now push on through" "to SHOT 14" and printed it out.
Step 4:
I layered each piece of the quote on purple construction paper, which made a thick purple border. I layered an extra piece of green paper under the "14" in order to make it pop. Then glued everything together.
Step 5:
Using the computer, I chose 5 photos for the page and sized them down so they would fit. I then printed them out.
Step 6:
I layered coral/pink paper behind each of the photos, which made a thin border. Then I glued those together.
Step 7:
For the STFX area, I layered green and coral/pink paper & glued them together. I then used a black permenant marker to write the letters.
S = shot (being taken)
T = time (it was taken)
F = from (who bought the shot)
X = signature (this is where the birthday person signs their name)
Step 8 (Finally):
I arranged everything on the pages in an aesthetically pleasing way and glued everything down. And Wah-lah! There you have the finished piece.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blog layout & start

Before I start my blogging, I want to give props to The Cutest Blog on the Block for my sweet little layout and such. I tweaked things a bit for my liking such as the header that reads "this sweet & savory life of mine". It was blank and I added my personal title.

I love crafts and little projects. I especially enjoy Pinterest and think blogs are great. So I have decided to start blogging my projects, ideas, tips, etc. I hope you all enjoy.

Follow Me on Pinterest

Please do not take anything from the blog without giving credit to me and asking.
